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Helping adventurous adults live their active lives to the fullest

without nagging pain or stubborn weight holding them back

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Jenn Lymburner | Personal Training & Bodyweight Strength Coach

I’m Jenn Lymburner, Founder of J2N Fitness.

As an ex-competitive athlete NOW training for life and adventures, I understand the frustration that comes from…

Constantly getting hurt and feeling like you can no longer keep up with your favourite workouts, adventures or even day-to-day activities…

Bouncing from strict diet to diet and completely lacking trust in yourself around food…

Feeling like you don’t have the energy or self-confidence to show up how you want…

I’m here to assure you that physical freedom is possible – and it can be done with balance and sustainability at the forefront so that you can not only get back to doing the activities you love, but do so in a way that will support you long-term.

  • GMB Fitness Trainer
  • Animal Flow L3 Instructor
  • Precision Nutrition Master Health Coach
  • Strongnastics Co-Owner

The Physical Freedom Formula

A transformative 12-week journey designed for active and adventurous adults frustrated by ongoing injuries and/or physical limitations (i.e. strength, mobility or weight) – and eager to get back to living their lives to their fullest.

This isn’t your regular old fitness routine or diet; it’s a holistic approach grounded in sustainability. Our goal is to help you build physical freedom and confidence in your body, foster self-trust, and build the resiliency necessary to support you throughout your lifelong health and fitness journey. 

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Ready to move with more freedom, less pain?
Eager to eat with more freedom, less restrictions?

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